Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Color Challenge on a rainy day

Waiting for RA letters. Apparently they are not finished yet.
We had to make a t-shirt in 6 hours and I had a 9 am test the next day. But they can't put together a few letters of "Sorry, try again next year." in 3 weeks.
Agrivation. I'm not even sure I spelled it right.
Oh well, onto the card!


Yaneri said...

So creative and cute! Darling little balloons!

Stamp With Linz said...

So clever- who wouldn't love to get this card? So fun!

Winter said...

Your card is so cute! Love that birthday stamp!


Just the average person with alot of caffeine in her system, a love for photography, tennis, and editorial writing, and a loathing for her driver's license photo.